Monday, September 25, 2006

10th August 06

Well to be very honest, this class seemed tediuos. We were to convert a NFA to a DFA. One can imagine our plight of trying to convert an NFA with 10 states!! It started with copying the humongous state transition table. Then came a welcome respite ( being ironic ... [;)] ), drawing the graph. And what followed, was the most boring thing one can imagine ...... finding the epsilon closures of all states starting from the start state set and adding all alphabet symbol transition. Trying out all different combinations, and getting redundant states, our plight finally came to an end when all the states' sets had exhausted themselves. And finally we constructed the DFA ... this NEARLY concluded our session. We ended on a happy note ( don't you think the ending on happy notes every time we get bored/ unhappy has become a cyclic event?? .. makes me wonder as to how this Prof can manage to pull this feat every single time!! ), we wrote the pseudo code for the conversion. PHEW!! so many events in just a class!!

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